Clan Kennedy
Clan Kennedy is a lowland Scottish Clan originating in the district of Carrick in Ayrshire. The Kennedy surname evolved from the name MacKenedi which shows up in records as early as the 12th century. The progenitor of the clan is believed to be John Kennedy who supported Robert the Bruce during the War of Scottish Independence and was rewarded with the title, the chief of his name and the bailiff of Carrick.
The motto of the clan is Avise la fin, which means, Consider the end. The clan crest features a dolphin naiant proper.
The clan has two historic seats, Dunure Castle and Culzean Castle. Dunure Castle was built sometime in the 13th century and was acquired by the Kennedy Clan when they were granted the lands in 1357, it is believed that the Castle was burnt during the civil war. The ruins of the castle are presently open to the public. Culzean Castle overlooking the Firth of Clyde was built by the Kennedy family in the late 18th century. It remained the seat of the clan until 1945 when is was given up to the National Trust of Scotland to avoid paying inheritance taxes. The castle is currently used for accommodations and weddings. The present seat of the clan is Cassillis House, near Maybole.

In 1973 the Kennedy Society of North America was founded at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in North Carolina. It was formed as a non-profit organization to connect Kennedy’s of Scottish and Irish origin.