Bagtown Clans

All About Scottish Clans!

Kinnaird Castle

Kinnaird Castle

Kinnaird Castle, built with pale pink-brown freestone from the estate, features greenish Westmoreland slates and iron railings with intricate tracery. The north entrance leads to an oak-fitted, 80-foot-long gallery adorned with hunting trophies, ending in a staircase to a vermilion-painted corridor. The principal suite of rooms includes a dining room with family portraits, drawing rooms with valuable Italian and Dutch paintings, and a library housing 8000 rare volumes. The second floor contains bedrooms, while the ground floor comprises offices, cellars, a billiard room, and a smoking room. The castle stands fifty feet above a valley on a gravel plateau, offering views of the Carcary and Bounyton ranges to the south, the Grampian mountains to the north, and the immense woods of Monrommon Moor to the west.

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