Clan Hamilton
Clan Hamilton is a lowland Scottish clan that originated in the county of Lanark. The surname Hamilton is believed to have evolved from the place-name Hameldon, which in tern was derived from the Norse phrase hamelan dene, referring to a crooked hill. The progenitor of the clan is considered to be Walter Fitz Gilbert de Hamilton, who appears in an official charter in the year 1294. Walter was a supporter of Robert the Bruce and was rewarded with lands in Lanarkshire and the Lothians.
The clans motto is, Through, and the clans crest features an oak tree being cut by a frame-saw.
The historic seat of the clan is Hamilton Palace located near Hamilton in Lanarkshire. The castle was built in 1695 on the site of a 13th century tower. The house was used by the chief of the clan until it was lent to the Royal Navy during WWI to use as a hospital. Due to the fact that the castle need a lot of restoration the chief chose not to return and the castle was eventually demolished in 1921. The current seat of the clan is Lethington Castle located near Haddington in East Lothian. The castle was purchased in 1946 and is open during the summer to the public.
The Clan Hamilton Society was created to collect and preserve historical and genealogical records relating to the clan. Anyone bearing the name Hamilton or a descendant through the female line and at least 18 years old can apply to become a member.

Due to the demolishing of Hamilton Palace many of the artifacts of the Hamilton clan are spread over several museums such as, National Museums of Scotland, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Museum, the National Trust, the Louvre, Lennoxlove House and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. The Hamilton Mausoleum, the resting place of the Hamilton chiefs, sits of the grounds of the old Hamilton Palace and is open to the public.