Clan Mackinnon
Clan Mackinnon also known as clan Fingon is a highland Scottish clan traditionally located on the islands of Mull and Skye. The name Mackinnon is thought to have derived from a prehistoric galelic term Vindo-gonio-s, meaning “fair born”.
The motto of clan Mackinnon is Audentes Fortuna Juvat, meaning, fortune assist the daring, or, fortune favors the bold. The clan crest features a boars head with a shin bone in its mouth.
The clan is thought to originate from King Alpin of Scotland who lived in the 9th century. During the 10th century Alpin’s great grandson, Findanus, acquired the estate of Tombermory, on the Island of Mull,and lands on the Isle of Skye after marrying a Norse princess nicknamed Saucy Mary. Legend states that the couple ran a chain across the strait of kyle between Skye and the Scottish mainland and would charge a toll for ships to pass.
The historic seat of Clan Mackinnon is Caisteal Maol, located on the Isle of Skye, the castle was part of the estate acquired by Findanus. It was used by the Mackinnons until the early 17th century.
The Mackinnon Clan’s support of the Jacobite uprising in the 18th century led to a drastic economic and political decline of the once powerful clan. In 1791, the clan chief was forced to sell off their remaining land holdings. The highland clearances led to the emigration of much of the clan to the new world.

The clan Mackinnon society was founded on December 22, 1891 in Glasgow, Scotland. Since 1980 the clan society had been centered in the United States. In 2005 the society adopted a new constitution and is dedicated to united MacKinnons from all around the world.