Clan Cameron
Clan Cameron is a Scottish clan originating in the Western Highlands of Scotland. The clans lands are located in Lochaber. It is believed that the Camerons may have decended from the royal family of Denmark and were instrumental in restoring King Fergus II to the crown of Scotland. The surname Cameron is derived from the Gaelic term Cam-shorn, meaning crooked nose. The chief is known as Cameron of Lochiel or just Lochiel. Donald Dubh, born in the early 15th century is considered to be the first authentic chief of the clan.
The motto of the clan is Aonaibh Ri Cheile, which translates to Let us unite. The clan crest features a sheaf of five arrows circled by a belt.
The historic seat of the clan is Achnacarry Castle located in the Lochaber region of Scotland. The castle was built in the 17th century and was destroyed by British government troops after the Jacobite revolution. A new castle was constructed in 1802 by the Cameron chief. The current chief continues to live in the castle.
After the Jocobite loss at the battle of Culloden the British government seized the Cameron estates. In 1784 the land was returned to the clan, however the highland clearances were in full effect and many Camerons were removed and emigrated abroad.

The Clan Cameron association was formed in the late 19th century and is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of Cameron heritage. The Clan Cameron Museum is located in Achnacarry, Scotland about 15 miles North East of Fort William. The museum features several rooms of exhibits that chronicle the clan’s history.
Septs and Dependents — Chalmers, Clark, Clarkeson, Clerk, MacChlerick, Maclery, MacGillonie, Maclldowie, MacKail, MacMartin, MacOnie, MacPhail, MacSorhe, MacVail, Paul, Sorlie, Taylor.
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