Clan Maclean
Clan Maclean is a highland Scottish clan originating in the Argyll and Inner Hebrides area of Scotland. It is believed that the surname MacLean is an Anglicized version of a Gaelic term that means “servant of Saint John”. The progenitor of the clan is believed to be a Scottish warrior named “Gillean of the Battle Axe”, from the 13th century.
The motto of clan Maclean is “Virtue Mine Honour” and the clan crest features a tower, embattled Argent.
The historic seat of the clan is Duart Castle located on the Isle of Mull. It is believed that the castle was originally built by Clan MacDougall in the 13th century and was acquired by the Maclean family in the 14th century. The castle was destroyed by the Campbells in 1691 and the stones were scattered. In 1911 the castle was reacquired by the clan chief Sir Fitzroy Donald Maclean and restored.

The Maclean’s supported the Stuarts during the Jacobite revolution and paid a large price after their defeat. The clan lost most of their lands and the clan chiefs were forced to lead their clan from abroad. In the early 20th century the chief of the clan was able to reclaim some of their ancestral lands.
The Clan Maclean society claims eleven different associations around the world. The Society was created in 1892 with the goal of organizing clan membership and coordinating clan gatherings. An exhibition area at the top of Castle Duart is dedicated to the history of the clan and contains many artifacts from the clan’s past.
Further Reading:
The Spartans of Scotland – Clan MacLean