Clan Stewart/Clan Stuart
Clan Stewart or Clan Stuart is a highland Scottish clan that does not have a recognized clan chief and is therefore considered an armigerous clan. The Earl of Galloway, the senior cadet of the clan, is considered to be the clan’s leader. The Stewarts arrived in Great Briton, from Brittany, after the Norman conquest of England. Walter Flaad the Steward arrived in Scotland during the reign of David I and was granted estates in Renfrewshire and East Lothian.
Clan Stewart’s motto is Virescit vulnere virtus, which means Courage grows strong at a wound, and, the clan’s crest features a Pelican at her nest feeding her young.
The historic seat of the clan is Galloway House in Garlieston, Wigtownshire. The house was constructed in 1740 and was occupied by the Earls of Galloway until the early 20th century when it was sold to a private citizen.
In the Early 14th century Walter Stewart married Marjorie Bruce, the eldest daughter of Robert the Bruce. This union gave rise to the House of Stewart who ruled Scotland from 1371 until the union with England in 1707.

There are several branches of the clan that have a common heritage but have their own crests and tartans. Two of the most recognized branches include, Stewart of Appin and Stuart of Bute.
The Stuart Society was started in 1899 with the mandate to further kinship and to share and store historical and genealogical information about the clan’s descendants. Membership in the clan is open to anyone bearing the Stewart or Stuart surname or descendants of these clansmen.