Clan Donnachaidh/Clan Robertson
The clan’s motto is Virtutis Gloria merces, which means, Glory is the reward of valour, and, the clan crest features a hand holding up an imperial crown.
The historic seat of the clan is Dunalastair Castle or Hermitage House. Hermitage House, which was the living quarters of the clan chief was burned down in 1745 after the chief Alexander Robertson of Struan supported the Jacobite cause. Dunalastair castle was built on the site in 1860 by General Sir John Macdonald. Currently the castle is in ruin but there are holiday cottages available on the estate for visitors.
Other than the Robertson surname, Reids and Duncans are considered to be descendants of this clan. It is believed that Clan Duncan branched off from the 4th Donnachadh chief. Many see the Duncans as a separate armigerous clan.
In 1745 the Donnachaidh clan lost their lands in response to the defeat at Culloden. In 1784 the clans property was restored after the clans were considered pacified. Currently the only property remaining connected to the clan is the family vault.

The Clan Donnachaidh Society was formed in Edinburgh in 1823 at an inaugural dinner. This led to what is known as “The Gathering of the Men of Athole” on the grounds of Blair Castle. This group still meets to deal with the business of the clan.
In 1969 the clan opened a Clan Centre now known as the Clan Donnachaidh museum in Bruar Scotland. The museum was founded to tell the story of Clan Donnachaidh and boasts “lots of interest into a small space”.