Clan MacNab
Clan MacNab is a highland Scottish clan originating in the Stirling district of Scotland. It is believed that the progenitor of the clan was Abraruadh, the Abbot of Glen Dochart. The surname Macnab is derived from the Gaelic term Mac An Aba which means the child of the abbot. The first recorded MacNab appears on a charter in 1124.
The motto of the clan is Timor Omnis Abesto which means Let fear be far from all. The clans crest features the head of a savage.
The historic seat of the clan is MacNab Castle Located at Ellanrayne island, at the mouth of the River Lochay, Killin. The castle was destroyed in 1654 by Oliver Cromwell’s forces. All that is left of the clan’s property on the island are the burial grounds. The seat moved to Kinnell House in the town of Killin.
The MacNab clan joined forces with Clan MacDougall to fight against Robert the Bruce in his attempt to claim Scotland. After Bruce’s victory Clan MacNab was stripped of their property and charters. The clan’s holdings were restored in 1336 by David II.

In 1987 the chief of clan Macnab set up the MacNab Memorial Trust. The Trust currently owns the clans burial grounds plus several artifacts and records which are often put on display.