Clan Drummond
Clan Drummond is a highland Scottish Clan originating in the Perthshire district of Scotland. The surname Drummond was derived from the Gaelic term dromainn, meaning high ground. Legend states that the Drummonds were descendants from a Hungarian prince named Yorik, who arrived in Scotland in the 9th century.
The motto of clan Drummond is Vertutem coronat homos which translates to Honour crowns virtue. The clan crest features a hawk perched on top of a crown.
The historic seat of the clan is Drummond Castle located in Perthshire. The castle was built in the late 13th century by John Drummond, the 1st Lord Drummond of Cargill. The Drummond clan lost control of the castle in 1750 when it was seized by the state after the Jacobite uprising. The current seat of the clan is Stobhall Castle also in Perthshire.

In 1605 King James VI granted to title Earl of Perth to James Drummond, the 4th Lord of Drummond. The Chiefs of Clan Drummond still carry this title.
The Clan Drummond Society of North America was founded in 1985 by permission of the clan chief. Visitors to Perthshire are able to visit the estate of Drummond Castle. The gardens are said to be among the most beautiful in Europe. The Castle is not currently open to the public.