Clan Bruce/Family of Bruce
Clan Bruce is a lowland Scottish Clan originating in the Fife district of Scotland. The surname Bruce was derived from the French name de Bruis. The Scottish line of the Bruce family is believed to be descendant from Robert de Brus who assisted David I of Scotland reclaim the Scottish crown.
The motto of the clan is Fuimus which means we have been. The clan crest features a lion statant with its tail extended.
The clan has two historic seats Lochmaben Castle and Clackmannan Tower. Lochmaben Castle, located in the town of Lochmaben, was built by the Bruce family in 1160. Clackmannan Tower became the seat of the clan in 1359. Both castles were eventually abandoned and their ruins are scheduled monuments in Scotland. The current seat of the clan is Broomhall House. It was built in 1702 by Sir William Bruce and is still the residents of the Bruce family.
In 1306 Robert the Bruce of Clan Bruce was crowned King of Scotland after his victory in the Scottish war of Independence. The line of succession passed to the House of Stewart after Robert’s son David died without a male heir.

The Bruce International Society was formed in 1984. The society was created to promote kinship among clan members and to encourage interest in the clan. A tour of Broomhall House can be arranged where a museum boasts an extensive collection of Bruce artifacts.