Clan Scott
Clan Scott is a Scottish Clan that originates in the Scottish boarder region, it is derived from the Latin word Scoti which means Gaelic speaker. The first recorded evidence of the Scott surname came in 1120 when Uchtred, son of Scot, signed a charter.
The motto of the clan is Amo, which means, I love. The crest features a stag trippant.
The historic seat of the clan is Dalkeith Place, located in Dalkeith, Midlothan, Scotland. Francis Scott the 2nd Earl of Buccleuch purchased the castle from the Douglas Clan in 1642. The Scott family abandoned the castle in 1914, it is currently being used by the University of Wisconsin for a study abroad program. The current seat of the clan is Bowhill House, located near Bowhill, Selkirk. The house was purchased by Francis Scott in 1747. It is said to currently hold one of the worlds greatest art collections, it remains the residence of the chief.

The Clan Scott Society was organized in 1971 with the purpose of sponsoring various Scottish festivals, publishing a newsletter and encouraging the perpetuation of Scottish culture. The Bowhill house is open to the public for tours and rentals. Abbotsford House, the home of Sir Walter Scott, is also open for tours. Abbotsford House contains many artifacts from Scottish history.