Bagtown Clans

All About Scottish Clans!

Clan Maxwell

Clan Maxwell MapClan Maxwell is a lowland Scottish Clan that originates in the Dumfries district of Scotland. The Maxwell surname has evolved from Maccusweil which refers to lands located close to the River Tweed. The progenitor of the clan is believed to be a 12th century chancellor named Herbert de Maccusweil. In the 13th century Herbert’s sons were able to expand the clan’s land holdings through marriage and service to the Scottish Crown.

Clan Maxwell CrestThe motto of the clan is Reviresco, which mean, I grow strong again. The clan crest features a A stag crouched under a holly bush.

The historic seat of the clan is Caerlaverock Castle located south of Dunfries is on the edge of the Caerlaverock National Nature Reserve. It is believed that the Maxwell clan began construction of the castle in the 11th century. The Maxwell’s held the castle until 1640 when a Protestant army besieged Caerlaverock, after 3 months the Maxwell’s finally surrendered the castle. Part of the Castle was destroyed during the battle and therefore it was subsequently abandoned. The castle is currently a protected property and is open to tours by the public.

The final chief of the Maxwell Clan, William Maxwell of Carruchan, died on May 2nd, 1863 with no children. The chiefdom of clan Maxwell went dormant since William’s younger brother died in 1834 also without any children.

Clan Maxwell Tartan
Clan Maxwell Tartan

The Clan Maxwell Society was incorporated in 1964 at Grandfather Mountian in North Carolina. The society is open to anyone who is a descendant of the Maxwell’s or any of their dependent families.

Clan Maxwell Info. poster

Clan Maxwell Vintage Postcard


Clan Maxwell Vintage Tartan
Clan Maxwell Vintage Tartan
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