Clan Home or Clan Hume
Clan Home or Clan Hume is a Scottish clan of the boarder region. The clan originated in the Berwickshire district. The progenitor of the clan is believed to be William de Home, son of Gospatric III, Earl of Lothian. William adopted the surname Home after he acquired the area of Home, or Hume, located in Berwickshire. The surname and place-name Home is derrived from the old english word Hôm meaning, located on a hill.
The motto of the clan is A Home. A Home. A Home. and the clan crest features a lion’s head upon a chapeau.
The clan has two historic seats, Hume Castle and Fast Castle. Hume Castle Located in Berwickshire was built in the late 12th century by the clan to protect them from the English on the eastern side of the Border. The Castle was very badly damaged in the seventeenth century during the Civil Wars and was abandoned by the clan. The ruins of the castle are now in the possession of the Hume Castle Preservation Trust. The first mention of Fast Castle in recorded history was in 1333 when it was used as an English Garrison. The Earl of Dunbar seized the castle from the English in 1410 and it was subsequently taken over by the Hume family. The castle was for-fitted in the early 17th century and currently only ruins remain. The current seat of the clan is the Hirsel, it has been the home of the clan chiefs since 1611 when Castle Hume was abandoned.

The Clan Home Association‘s motto is true till the end and was formed to organize clan gatherings, share genealogical information among its members and support the Hume Castle Preservation Trust. Castle Hume has been open to visitors since 1992,