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All About Scottish Clans!

Clan Anderson Resources

Official Clan Association:

Historical Resources:

Genealogical Resources:

Notable Individuals:

Clan Anderson is a highland Scottish Clan originating in the Badenoch region of Scotland, according to the Kinara manuscript the family emmigrated from Moidart, Scotland in 1400. The surname Anderson is believed to been derived from the term “son o Andrew”. The clan does not have a chief and there are several major families making up the clan. According to Lord Lyon, Anderson is considered a clan because there are records showing that arms were granted to “Anderson of that ilk” in the 16th century.

Clan Anderson CrestThe Anderson of Ardbrake & Westerton are considered to be one of the major families and many of the clan symbols such as the clan crest are adopted from this line of the family.

The motto of the clan is stand sure and the crest features an oak tree proper.

Clan Anderson Coat of Arms


The Anderson clan (possible through family connections with the Clan Ross) were associated with the Chattan

confederation or Clan Chattan in the 15th century. This was an organization that united separate clans under a su

perior chief, for the purpose of mutual solidarity and protection.

Clan Anderson Tartan
Clan Anderson Tartan

The Clan Anderson Society, formed in 1973, offers a newsletter, certificate of membership, genealogy and historic information to its members. The society was presented with the Letters Patent at the Loch Norman Highland Games by the Lord Lyon King, Dr. Joseph Morrow. In 2010 the Clan Anderson Society declared Hope

Vere Anderson of Anderson Estates in Dumfries and Galloway as clan chief. This declaration is not currently recognized by the Lyon Court, therefore Anderson remains an armigerous clan.

Further Reading:

The Top Ten Brutal Scottish Clan Massacres
Top 10 Haunted Scottish Castles
Top 10 Surprising facts you may not know about Scottish Clans

Stobcross House – Clan Anderson






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