Clan Buchanan
Clan Buchanan is a highland Scottish Clan that originates in the Stirling Region of Scotland. The surname Buchanan is a geographical surname that is derived from the Gaelic terms buth meaning “house” and chanain meaning “of the canon”. The progenitor of the clan is believed to be Anselan O’Kyan who emigrated from Ireland in the service of Malcolm II of Scotland and received a land grant in Lennox during the 11th century.
The clan motto is Clarior Hinc Honos, meaning “Brighter hence the honour”, and the clan crest features A hand holding aloft a ducal cap within laurel branches.
The historic seat of the clan is the Buchanan Auld House near the village of Drymen, Stirling. The Buchanan clan owned the castle and its surrounding lands from the mid 13th century until the late 17th. After the passing of Sir John Buchanan in 1682 the castle was passed to the Graham Clan and rebuilt. The Castle burned down in 1852 and its remains are now part of the courtyard at the Buchanan Castle Golf Culb. Cambusmore located near the town of Callander, as of 2018, is the current seat of the clan.
The Clan Chief, John Buchanan passed away in 1682 leaving no male heirs and therefore the chiefdom-ship of the clan was left dormant for 337 years. In 2016 the Lord Lyon received a petition from the clan to proclaim Michael Baillie-Hamilton Buchanan, the Buchanan chief. After a lengthy investigation, the Lord Lyon recognized the petition in 2018.

The Clan Buchanan Society is the oldest clan society in the world, registered in Glasgow in 1725, The Society is a charitable organization funded by membership dues. It has acquired many clan heirlooms over the years and the records of the clan are held at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow and the Strathclyde University Library.
Septs and Dependents — Colman, Donleavy, Donlevy, Dove, Dow, Dowe, Gibb, Gibson, Gilbertson, Harper, Harperson, Lennie, lenny, Macaldonich, Macandeor, MacAslan, MacAuslan, MacCalman, MacCalmont, MacCammond, MacCruiter, MacColman, MacDonleavy, MacGibbon, MacGilbert, MacGreusaich, Maclnally, Maclndoe, MacKinlay, MacMaurice, MacMochie, MacNayer, MacWattie, MacWhirter, Masterton, Murchie, Murcheson Risk, Spittal, Watson, Watt, Yuill, Yuille, Yule.