Clan Ferguson
Clan Ferguson or Clan Fergusson is a highland and lowland Scottish Clan originating in the Ayrshire district. The Ferguson surname was derived from “The Son of Fergus”, Many believe that Fergus comes from “Fergus Mór mac Eirc” who was a Scottish King of Dál Riata in the 5th century and that all branches of the clan can trace their ancestor back to Fergus. The first recorded evidence of the clan dates back to a Charter created during the reign of David II in the 14th century.
The motto of the clan is Dulcius Ex Asperis which translates into “sweeter after difficulties” and the clans crest features, a bee on a thistle, upon a chapeau.
The seat of the clan is Kilkerran House near Maybole, Ayrshire. The lands of Kilkerran were granted to the Fergusson family in the early 14th century by Robert the Bruce. Originally a tower house was built on the property. In the early 18th century the clan constructed a house that has been updated several times over the past 300 years. The house is the currently the residence of the clan chief. The only part of the estate open to the public is a caravan parked called The Walled Garden.
The Fergussons of Kilkerran are considered a lowland branch of the family and not connected to the highland branch, however they have been chosen as the senior branch of the clan and their chief is regarded as the chief of the whole name.

The Clan Fergusson Society of North American was founded at the Grandfather Mountain Games, in North Carolina in 1972. The formation of the society was endorsed by the then chief of the Clan Sir James Fergusson of Kilkeran. Membership in the society is open to anyone with a direct line, or has anyone who bears the name of a sept of the clan.
Septs and Dependents – Fergus, Ferries, MacAdie, MacFergus, MacKerras, MacKersay.