Clan MacGregor
Clan MacGregor or Clan Gregor is a Scottish Highland Clan originating in the historic region of Argyllshire. The surname is derived from the Gaelic patronym GacGriogair, meaning “son of Griogar”. There is a legend that the Clan originates back to the 9th century when Griogair, son of Dugal, was the ruler of Alba in Northern Scotland. The first recognized chief of the Clan was Gregor of the Golden Bridles who was born in the early 14th century. In 1390 Gregor died and Iain Camm One eye became the second chief of the clan.
The Clans motto is ‘S Rioghal Mo Dhream which translates into “royal is my race”, and the clans crest features a lions head wearing a crown.
The historic seat of the clan would have been on the site of the current Meggernie Castle in Glenlyon, Aberfeldy. It is believed that the clan had control of the land and had built an ancient keep or castle that commanded the area. In 1380 King Robert the 2nd confiscated the land from the MacGregors and awarded the land to his son Sir John Stewart of Cardney. The current castle on the site was constructed by Robert Campbell of Glenlyon in the 17th century.
In 1589 after a number of MacGregors were executed for poaching, John Drummond, the kings forester was murdered by the clan. Alasdair MacGregor the clan chief took responsibility for the murder which in turn led to an edict proclaiming the name MacGregor abolished. Many members of the clan either changed their name or went into hiding. In the spring of 1604 the clan chief and 30 of his kinsmen were captured by the crown and brought to Edinburg to be hung. The persecution of the clan did not end till 1774 when the edict was repealed. The most famous MacGregor outlaw during these years was Rob Roy MacGregor who has been fictionalized in many books and movies.

The Clan Gregor society was founded in Edinburgh Scotland in1822, making it one of the oldest Scottish Clan Societies. Clan Membership is open to all who believe themselves to be descendants of the MacGregor clan.
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The Outlaw “Black Pate” MacGregor