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All About Scottish Clans!

Clan Forsyth

Clan forsyth MapClan Forsyth is a lowland Scottish Clan originating in the Lanarkshire district of Scotland. The surname Forsyth is of Celtic origin and is believed to have been derived from the Gaelic word Fearsithe which means “man of peace”. The first mention of the surname was in the Ragman Rolls in 1296 when William de Fersith submitted to Edward I of England. In 1306 Robert de Forsyth was granted lands in Stirlingshire from Robert the Bruce as a reward for his support.

Clan Forsyth CrestThe clan’s motto is Instaurator Ruinae which translates into “a repairer of ruin”, and the clan’s crest features a crowned griffin.

The historic seats of the clan were Forsyth Castle and Inchnoch Castle. Forsyth or hallhill Castle was built near Dykes in Lanarkshire sometime before David Forsyth acquired the property in 1488. The family abandoned the castle in 1540, it fell into ruin and was demolished in 1828. Inchnoch Castle near Coatbridge was built by David Forsyth in the 14th century. Inchnoch Castle no longer exists and its former site is part of a subdivision. The current seat of the clan is Ethie Castle, near Arbroath. The 14th century castle was acquired and restored by the clan chief Alistair Forsyth in the 1970s and now serves as a bed and breakfast.

In 1672 Charles II stripped clan Forsyth of its legal title and left the clan without a chief for over 300 years. In 1978 the Lord Lyon Court recognized Alistair Forsyth, the Baron of Ethie as the clan’s rightful chief.

Clan Forsyth Tartan
Clan Forsyth Tartan

The Forsyth Clan Association was founded in 1915 but did not meet during the world wars, the society was reformed in 1977 to foster kinship among clan members. They hold an annual gathering in Scotland.




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