Clan Logan
Clan Logan is considered a highland and lowland clan originating in Ayrshire, Scotland. The surname Logan is a territorial name derived from the place name Logan. The first recorded use of the surname is Robert Logan who in 1204 was a witness to a property document. Le Walter Logan was the sheriff of Lanark in the early 14th century and was granted lands from Robert the Bruce after the Scottish War of Independence. The Logan clan is related to Clan MacLennan, many believe that Clan MacLennan is a branch of the Logan clan that came into existence as a result of a feud between the Logan’s and the Fraser‘s.
The motto of the clan is Hoc Majorum Virtus which means “This is the valour of my ancestors” and the clans crest features a nail piercing a man’s heart.
The historic seat of the clan is Lochend Castle formally located in Restalrig, Scotland. The castle of the clan overlooked Lochend Loch. The Logan family acquired the lands and castle in the 14th century when Sir John de Lestalric died leaving his estate to his daughter and her husband Sir Robert Logan. The family held possession of the castle until 1609 when the castle was forfeited due to the clans alleged participation in the Gowrie Conspiracy which was a plot by the Ruthven‘s to kidnap James VI of Scotland. The castle was burnt down by William Gilmour after the forfeiture. A house was built in its place in 1820. This house was boarded up in 2016 and is currently owned by Edinburgh Council.

The last chief of the clan was Hugh Logan who died in 1802 at Logan House in Ayrshire. Unfortunately, he died without a male heir and the estate was passed to his nephew who did not use the Logan name. Eventually the estate was broken up and sold without anyone claiming the chiefdom-ship of the clan.
The clan society was formed in 1913 by Thomas Logan in Glasgow Scotland. The clan was able to organize successful clan gatherings in 1913 and 1914 but the society went into hiatus during WWI. The organization was reformed in 2002 as The Clan Logan Society International. The goal of the society is to preserve the history and traditions of the clan and search for the rightful clan chief.