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All About Scottish Clans!

Boyd vs. Stewart

Boyd vs Stewart Clan FeudSir Alan Stewart of Darnley, held the office of High Constable of the Scottish Army in France until the year 1437 when he gave his French territories to his younger brother, Sir John Stewart and returned to his clan’s seat in the Eastwood parish of Renfrewshire.  Upon his arrival home Sir Alan began a prosecution campaign against members of the neighboring Boyd Clan.  This constant harassment of the Boyds upset their chief Thomas Boyd, who decided to act against Sir Alan.

Thomas Boyd received word from a source that Sir Alan Stewart was on his way to the Scottish midlands.  Thomas set out on horseback with full armour and troops and intercepted Sir Alan at Polmaise Thorn.  Thomas had the advantage of a surprise attack and was able to kill Sir Alan.  Thomas and his troops quickly retraced their steps back to Kilmarnock and began to prepare for what they believed would be an inevitable response from the Stewarts.

When Sir Alexander Stewart received the news of his father’s death he vowed revenge.  He spent several days morning his father and preparing the clan’s weaponry for war.  He called upon his clansmen to assemble and he divided them into three groups of 70.  He sent the first two groups on ahead to pin down and surround the Boyd’s with instructions to meet him and his detachment at Craignaugh Hill.  The purpose of dividing his troops and sending them on different routes was to cause as much havoc and bloodshed as possible.

The Boyd Clan was held up at Dean Castle with their troops.  Thomas sent out a scout to find the approaching Stewarts.  The Scout returned to Dean castle and reported that he had seen a detachment of about 70 men camped at Craignaught Hill.  Thomas thinking he had the advantage of greater numbers gathered his men, about 100 strong, and headed out to confront the Stewarts.  Upon hearing the news of the Boyd’s advancing, Sir Alan Stewart ordered his other two detachments of men to set up on either flank at a significant distance apart.

Craignaught Hill
Craignaught Hill

When the Boyds advanced close enough, Alexander Stewart gave the order for his troops to advance on all sides.  When the Boyds realized they were in a trap, it was too late and they decided to charge at the main Stewart regiment.  Once the Boyds were surrounded they set themselves back to back and were able to briefly hold their defensive line.  During the battle Thomas Boyd spotted Alexander Stewart and decided to break from his defensive position and go after him.  Alexander backed off but one of his men was able to take the opportunity and drive his dagger into Thomas’ back.  Once their leader was dead the Boyd Clan broke away and fled.  The Stewarts rested for the night and the next day headed back to Renfrewshire. The battle of Criagnaught Hill did not completely end the clan feud as there were reports of murders between the two clans before the feud completely petered out.

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