Clan MacGillivray
Clan MacGillivray is a highland Scottish clan originating on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. It is believed that the MacGillivray’s were around in the late 12th century during the rein of King Somerled, Lord of the Isles. The surname MacGillivray translated from Gaelic means “Son of the Servant of Judgment”. They were associated with the Macleans of Mull in the early folklore of the Western Scottish Islands.
The Motto of the clan is “Touch Not This Cat”, and the clan’s crest features a wild cat.
The historic seat of the clan is Dunmaglass in the Monadhliath Mountians of Scotland near Inverness. The MacGillivray Clan was first recorded as living in Dunmaglass in the year 1549 and in 1626 it was recorded that Ferquhard, the clan chief, purchased the lands of Dunmaglass. The MacGillivray clan in the subsequent years went on to possess other lands in the area such as Aberchallader, Letterchallen, Largs, Faillie, Dalcrombie and Davoit. The last chief to reside in Dunmaglass was Capt. John William MacGillivray whose estate was sold after he died without an heir in 1914.
In 1609 the chief of Clan MacGillivray, Malcolm MacGillivray, declared the clan loyal to the Chattan Confederation. This is an organization that unites twelve separate clans under a superior chief, for the purpose of mutual solidarity and protection.
The last chief of the clan died in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1942 leaving no heir to the chiefdomship. Col. George MacGillivray petitioned the Lord Lyon King of Arms several times in the proceeding years asking to be declared chief but each time was denied. The clan currently does not have a chief.

On November 7th, 1998, a group of MacGillivray clans folk met in the Highlands of Scotland and unanimously agreed to the formation of The Clan MacGillivray Association whose mandate is “To promote and maintain an interest in the history and traditions of The Clan MacGillivray, To extend knowledge of The Clan and The Association throughout the world and to give support to similar clan movements.”