Clan MacQueen
Clan MacQueen or Clan Revan is a highland Scottish Clan originating on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. It is believed that the MacQueens were originally descended from Clan MacSween who controlled the lands of Knapdale in the 13th century . In the 15th century, they were tasked with providing protection for the daughter of the chief of Clan MacDonald of Clanranad, Mora MacDonald. Upon the marriage of Mora to the chief of clan MackIntosh, (Calum Beg, 10th of Mackintosh), Roderic mac Milmor vic Swen, of Clan MacQueen (at the time a branch of MacSween) settled in Corrybrough, Strathdearn, and joined the Chattan Confederation, led by the Macintoshes. The Chattan Confederation is an organization, that unites twelve separate clans under a superior chief, for the purpose of mutual solidarity and protection.
The motto of the clan is Constant and Faithful, and the clans crest features An heraldic tiger rampant Ermine holding an arrow, point downwards Argent pheoned Gules.
The historic seat of the clan is Castle Sween located in Knapdale of the shore of loch Sween. It is believed that Castle Sween was built in the 11th century by the High King of Ireland’s brother. Castle Sween is considered to be one of the oldest castles in Scotland. The MacSween Clan held the castle up until the 13th century when the estate was passed on to the Menteith family. In 1310 the MacSween family tried unsuccessfully to take back the castle and territory after Edward II of England granted the land of Knapdale to John MacSween and his brothers. In 1933 the castle was taken over by the Scottish government and is now under the protection of Historic Scotland.

Clan MacSween and Clan MacQueen share a common ancestry but our now considered by the Lord Lyon to be two separate clan organizations. In the eighteenth century the clan lost control to their property holdings in Scotland and it is believed that the clan Chief and his family moved to New Zealand. The clan does not currently have a chief and is therefore considered an armigerous clan.