Clan Macfie or Clan MacPhee is a Highland Scottish Clan originating in Colonsay, Scotland. The clan considers itself one of the Siol Alpin Clans, which is a group of seven clans that claim to be descended from Kenneth MacAlpin, father of Cináed mac Ailpín , King of the Picts (844-860). The surname MacFie is derived from the Gaelic name Mac Dhuibhshíthe which in tern means son of Dhuibhshíthe. Dhuibhshíthe can be translated into English as “black peace”. It is believed that the MacFie family gained control of the Island of Colonsay sometime before the 13th century and controlled the island at the discretion of the Lord of the Isles.
The motto of the clan is Pro Rege which translates into “For the King”, and the Clan Crest is a demi lion rampant.
The historic seat of the clan is Dùn Eibhinn, a hillfort located on the Inner Hebridean island of Colonsay. The fort was believed to have been built by King Adamnan who is thought to be the great-grandfather of Donald of the isles. The castle at one point was controlled by the Vikings. In 1265 the Vikings surrendered control of the isles to the Scottish Crown and Clan MacFie became the rulers of the castle. The MacFie’s lost control of Colonsay and the castle in 1615 after a dispute with the MacDonald Clan.
Malcom Macfie, Chief of the Clan in the early 17th century was participating in a raid on Campbell territory under the
Clan MacFie Tartan
direction of the MacDonald Clan. One of the leaders of the MacDonalds, Coll Ciotach, made a deal with the Campbell’s to turn over as many Chiefs as possible in return for his own safety. Malcolm Macfie was turned over and imprisoned but later released by the Campbells. Upon his return to Colonsay he found that Coll Ciotach MacDonald had been residing on the island. This started a conflict between the two clans. Malcolm and his sons eventually had to flee Colonsay due to the feud. They were eventually caught and killed by Coll Ciotach. Malcolm was the last recognized chief of Clan MacFie.
There are several international branches of the Clan Macfie Society.
Clan Macfie vintage postcard
Clan MacFie Vintage Tartan
Clan MacFie Coat of Arms and Tartan Vintage Poster.
Clan MacFie Coat of Arms and Tartan Vintage Poster