Clan MacIver
Clan MacIver or Clan Iver is a highland Scottish Clan originating in Glen Lyon Scotland, but settled in the Argyll region. The Clan’s name is believed to have been of Gaelic origin and may have originated as a Norse first name. The first record of the MacIver surname was a Malcolm McIuyr who appeared on a local census of Argyll in 1292. Legend states that the MacIvers were descended from Duncan, Lord of Lochow which would make them common descendants with Clan Campbell. The MacIver’s were considered a very large and powerful clan in Scotland until the battle of Bealligh-ne-Broig in 1452 where their clan was almost entirely wiped out.
The motto of the clan is nunquam obliviscar which translates into “I will never forget”, and the clan crest features a boar’s head.
The historic seat of Clan MacIver is Glendarroch Castle located in Argyll Scotland. The date of construction of the castle is unknown but the MacIver’s used it as their stronghold in the 17th century. It was also known as The Robber’s Den, due to the fact that at one point it was used as a refuge for bandits in the area. It is also believed that the MacIver’s at one point had a stronghold near Lochgilphead called Dun Mor.

The Clan MacIver International Society was formed in 1991 by the Baron of Strathendry, Iain Maciver and the late Colonel Patrick Maciver it is located in Strathendry Castle, Fife, Scotland.