Bagtown Clans

All About Scottish Clans!

Traquair House

Traquair House, Scotland
Traquair House, Scotland

Traquair is Scotland’s oldest inhabited house, dating back to 1107 and home to the Stuart family since 1491. It was originally a royal hunting lodge and has been visited by 27 Scottish kings and queens, including Mary Queen of Scots. The house has a rich history and visitors can explore the house, grounds, maze, craft workshops, Garden Cafe, and brewery. The brewery is located in one of the wings of the house and visitors can sample ales and visit the brewery shop and museum. Traquair also serves as a magical and romantic venue for weddings, celebrations, and corporate events, and offers an inspiring program of events and exhibitions throughout the year. Additionally, visitors can even stay in luxurious antique furnished rooms and live like royalty.