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Mingarry Castle

Mingarry Castle, Scotland
Mingarry Castle, Scotland

Mingary Castle has a rich history and has been the site of many important events in Scotland’s past. It was used as a stronghold by King James IV in the late 15th century to fend off the Clan Donald. In 1515 the castle was besieged by the Clan MacDonald of Lochalsh and two years later, they finally took control of the castle. The MacLeans of Duart and the Clan Campbell also occupied the castle at different times throughout its history.

In 2013, Mingary Castle was designated as a Historic Marine Protected Area and is currently undergoing preservation and restoration work by the Mingary Castle Preservation and Restoration Trust, a registered charity in Scotland. The main curtain wall on the sea side is in danger of collapse and will be stabilized before preservation and restoration work can commence. The drawbridge has already been reinstalled as part of the restoration.

The castle’s location on a ridge of rock overlooking the sea made it a strategically important site in terms of communication with overseas areas and as an entranceway to the Sound of Mull. It is considered a valuable historical and cultural monument and its preservation and restoration will help ensure its future as an important part of Scotland’s rich history and cultural heritage.

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