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Binning Clan Crest

Clan Binning Crest
Clan Binning Crest
CREST:  A demi horse furnished for a waggon, Proper
MOTTO: Christo Duce Feliciter
TRANSLATION: Happily, under the guidance of Christ
Clan Binning is a proud Scottish family with a rich history and cultural heritage. The origins of the family can be traced back to the reign of King David II, with a family tradition that one of the Binnings captured Linlithgow Castle by concealing himself and seven sons in a wagon of hay.

The name Binning is believed to derive from an old barony of that name located in the parish of Uphall in West Lothian, and the family was prominent in Aberdeen in the 15th century and around Edinburgh in the 17th century. Sir John Byng, a member of the family, served as governor of the lands and possessions of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in Scotland during the late 17th century.

In 1613, Sir Thomas Hamilton was created Lord Binning, and the title is still held today by the Earls of Haddington, with the heir to the earldom using the courtesy title “Lord Binning”. The Binning family has a long history of contributions to Scotland, and its members have left their mark on the country through their achievements and contributions to society.

The Binning family continues to hold its Scottish heritage close, and its members are proud of their cultural roots. Today, the Clan Binning is a vibrant community of people who share a common history and connection to Scotland, and its members are dedicated to preserving their cultural heritage for future generations.

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