Bagtown Clans

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Covington Tower

Covington Tower, Scotland
Covington Tower, Scotland

The Covington Tower is a fascinating reminder of Scotlands past, located in the town of Covington near the Scottish Borders. Though centuries have passed since the castle was first constructed, the tower is still standing and offers a glimpse into Scotlands rich history. The Covington Tower was likely built in the 15th century, though there is evidence of a 12th century grant of land to the area. The tower is surrounded by an impressive moat, 40 meters square with arms up to 10 meters wide and 2.2 meters deep. This moat was once seasonally wet, but is now dry. The tower is decorated with arrow slits and quoins, and much of the dressed stone from the decaying tower has been robbed. The area around the tower is also fascinating, with associated earthworks to the south and east. There is no evidence of a motte, though the tower stands on high ground. There is a rectangular area that was likely once a garden, and a terrace that may be the remains of the old motte.