Cheyne Clan
CREST: A cross pattée fitchée Argent MOTTO: Patientia vincit TRANSLATION: Patience conquers VARIATIONS: N/A |
The name “Cheyne” has a long and interesting history, with its origins believed to be in Quesney near Coutances, in Normandy, France. The name is derived from the French word for “oak plantation.” However, some early clerks mistakenly wrote the name as “Canis,” which means “dog” in Latin, leading to confusion.
The earliest record of the name in Scotland dates back to around 1200, when William de Chesne witnessed a charter by William the Lion. Over the centuries, the Cheyne family became an influential and powerful clan in Scotland, with members holding positions of great importance such as Great Chamberlain of Scotland and signing the Declaration of Arbroath. One particularly notable member of the family was Sir Reginald le Chein, who was known for his prowess as a hunter. He longed for a male heir to inherit his vast estates but was disappointed when his wife gave birth to two daughters. In a fit of rage, he ordered the infants to be killed. However, years later, he met two young ladies who reminded him of what his daughters would have been like if they had lived. It was then that his wife confessed that the girls were in fact his daughters, and he acknowledged them as his heirs. In more recent times, Sir William Cheyne, a distinguished surgeon and bacteriologist, contributed significantly to the field of antiseptic surgical methods in Britain. Despite the family’s long and fascinating history, the lands of Esslemont, which had become the principal seat of the family by marriage with the heiress of Marshall of Esslemont, eventually passed into the hands of the Gordons in the early 18th century. |

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