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Duncan Clan


Clan Duncan Crest
Clan Duncan Crest
CREST: On waves of the sea, Argent, a lymphad proper under sail, Or, flagged, Gules, the sail charged with a clarion, Gules
MOTTO: Savour The Moment
TARTAN: Green and Blue ground, Black, White and Red lines.
Clan Duncan MapScottish Clans are known for their rich history and traditions that have been passed down through generations. One such clan is the Clan Duncan, whose members have made significant contributions to Scottish society and beyond.

The Clan Duncan is believed to have originated from the ancient Earls of Atholl and later from a chief of Clan Donanachaidh, “Fat Duncan”, who led the clan at Bannochburn. The Robertson appellation was derived from their chief, Robert, in the time of James I. The name Duncan has various Gaelic forms such as Donnchad, Duncha, and Donnchaid, and is believed to mean “brown warrior from donn and cath.”

Throughout history, there have been several notable individuals from the Clan Duncan. Adam Ducan of Lundie became an admiral and was responsible for the defeat of the Dutch navy off Camperdown in 1797. His son was created Viscount Duncan of Camperdown. Dunchad, the eleventh abbot of Hii (Iona), died in 717, and Donachadus, Earl of Fife, was a witness to King David’s letter of protection to the clerics of Deer.

In modern times, Clan Duncan has continued to make an impact in various fields. Alexander Duncan, a member of the clan, was a prominent Scottish painter in the 19th century. William Duncan, another member of the clan, was a successful businessman and philanthropist who played a significant role in the development of the Canadian West.

The Clan Duncan is considered a sept of the Clan Donnachaidh, and its members are known for their loyalty and bravery. The clan’s motto, “Disce pati” or “Learn to suffer,” highlights the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity.

The Scottish Clan Duncan has a rich history and has produced several notable individuals who have contributed to Scottish society and beyond. The clan’s strong sense of tradition and loyalty has been passed down through generations, and its members continue to make a positive impact in various fields.


  • – Descriptive catalogue of the clan tartans and family tartans of Scotland with a brief note on their antiquity: also roll of the landlords and Baillies of lands in the Highlands and isles, A.D. 1587: roll of the clans; badges of the clans,
  • – John Catto and Company, King Street, Toronto, CanadaScottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia”, by Collins, HarperCollins Publishers 1994
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