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All About Scottish Clans!

Kennedy Clan


Clan Kennedy Crest
Clan Kennedy Crest
CREST: A dolphin naiant Proper
MOTTO: Avise la fin
TRANSLATION: Consider the end
Clan Kennedy MapScotland’s rich tapestry of clans is intertwined with tales of valor, loyalty, and illustrious lineage. Among them, Clan Kennedy stands out as a formidable family with a compelling history. From their origins in the Votadini tribe to their notable contributions in politics, religion, and warfare, the Kennedys have left an indelible mark on Scotland. Join us as we embark on a captivating journey through the history of Clan Kennedy.

The story of Clan Kennedy begins with Cunedda, a chieftain of the Votadini tribe of Lothian. Tasked by the Saxon leader Vortigern, Cunedda was sent to southwest Scotland to establish settlements as a defense against Picto-Scottish sea raids. These settlements gradually spread down the west coast, ultimately reaching as far as north Wales.

The Kennedys became synonymous with the district of Carrick in Ayrshire. Known for their association with the Earls of Carrick, the family played a pivotal role in supporting Bruce during the War of Independence. This allegiance was rewarded when Robert II confirmed John Kennedy of Dunure as the chief of his name and Baillie of Carrick in 1372.

Throughout their history, the Kennedys produced notable figures who left an indelible mark on Scotland. One such individual was James Kennedy, a beloved bishop who served as Archbishop of St Andrews. His contribution to education led to the founding of St Salvator’s College in 1455, a lasting testament to his vision.

The Kennedys were no strangers to military endeavors. Hugh Kennedy of Ardstinchar commanded the Scots mercenary troops during Joan of Arc’s siege of Orleans. His gallantry in battle is honored in the Kennedy of Bargany coat of arms, which features Joan herself.

The Kennedys ascended to prominence through their titles as Earls of Cassillis. From Sir David, the third Lord Kennedy, who was created Earl of Cassillis in 1509, to Gilbert, the third Earl, who served as a Scottish commissioner and tragically met his fate through poisoning in 1558, the family played a pivotal role in Scottish politics.

Despite facing various challenges, including succession disputes and changing political landscapes, Clan Kennedy’s legacy endured. The family’s commitment to their ancestral lands is evident through their continued presence in Ayrshire, where they maintain their ancestral seat.

The history of Clan Kennedy is one that spans centuries, encompassing tales of bravery, political influence, and cultural contributions. From their humble beginnings as settlers resisting raids to their involvement in wars and pivotal roles in religious and political arenas, the Kennedys have left an indelible mark on Scottish history. Today, their legacy lives on through their descendants and the enduring ties to their ancestral lands. The story of Clan Kennedy serves as a testament to the resilience and enduring spirit of the Scottish people and their vibrant clan traditions.


  • – Descriptive catalogue of the clan tartans and family tartans of Scotland with a brief note on their antiquity: also roll of the landlords and Baillies of lands in the Highlands and isles, A.D. 1587: roll of the clans; badges of the clans,
  • – John Catto and Company, King Street, Toronto, CanadaScottish Clan & Family Encyclopedia”, by Collins, HarperCollins Publishers 1999
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