Clan Tartans
Clan | Tartan Description |
Abercromby | Blue and black ground, green forms double check, white lines through green. |
Anderson | Light blue ground, green check, red, yellow, blue and white lines. |
Angus | Blue and black ground, red lines. |
Armstrong | Blue and black ground, green check, red line. |
Baird | Blue and black ground, green check, three deep crimson lines through green check. |
Barclay | Light green ground, blue checks, red line. |
Breacan N’an Clerach | Blue and black ground, green lines. |
Brodie | Red ground, black checks, black and yellow lines. |
Bruce | Red ground, green checks, yellow and white lines. |
Buchanan | Green, yellow, and red checks, white and black lines. |
Cameron of Erracht | Black, blue and green ground, broken red checks, yellow line. |
Cameron—Clan | Red ground, green checks, yellow line. |
Cameron of Lochiel | Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines. |
Campbell of Argyll | Blue and black ground, green checks, red line. |
Campbell of Argyll—Dress | Argyll check on white ground. |
Campbell of Loudon | Blue and black ground, green check, white and yellow lines. |
Celtic Society’s Tartan | Blue and green ground, white and red lines. |
Chisholm | Red ground, blue and green check, white lines. |
Chisholm of Strathglass | Red ground, green and black checks, white lines. |
Clan Alpine | Green ground, blue and black check, white and yellow lines. |
Colquhoun | Blue and black ground, green check, white and red lines. |
Comyn—Red | Red ground, green checks, white and black lines. |
Cumming—Clan | Green ground, blue, black and red checks, blue lines. |
Connal—Red | Red and black checks, white and yellow lines. |
Cranstoun | Ground of two shades of green, blue and red lines. |
Crawford | Crimson ground, light green checks, white lines. |
Cunninghham | Red ground, black checks, black, white and red lines. |
Dalzell | Red ground, green checks, white lines. |
Davidson | Green ground, blue and black checks, red line. |
Davidson of Tulloch | Blue and black ground, green check, white and red lines. |
Douglas—Green | Green ground, blue check, white and blue lines. |
Douglas—Grey or Black | Black and grey ground, grey and black lines. |
Douglas—Dress | Green Douglas check on white ground. |
Drummond | Red ground, green checks, blue lines. |
Dunbar | Red ground, green and black checks, black lines. |
Dunblane | Red ground, green and yellow checks, white lines. |
Duncan | Green and blue ground, black, white and red lines. |
Dundas | Blue and black ground, green checks, red and black lines. |
Dyce | Blue and black ground, green check, yellow and white lines. |
Elliot | Blue ground, brown checks, red line. |
Erskine | Green and red checks with red and green lines. |
Farquharson | Blue and black ground, green checks, yellow and red lines. |
Ferguson | Blue and black ground, green checks, white and red lines. |
Forbes | Blue and black ground, green checks, white line. |
Forty-second, also called Sutherland | Blue and black ground, green checks. |
Fraser of Lovat | Red ground, green and blue checks, white line. |
Fraser—Hunting | Brown ground, green and blue checks, white and red lines. |
Glen Lyon | As 42nd, but green check reduced, and blue check enlarged. |
Glen Urquhart | Squares formed of Shepherd check of about 10 and 6 threads alternately. |
Gordon | Blue and black ground, green checks, yellow lines through green checks. |
Gordon—Ancient | Blue and black ground, green checks, three lines of yellow through green check. |
Gordon—Dress | Gordon check on white ground. |
Gow | Red ground, solid checks of blue and green. |
Graham of Menteith | Blue and black ground, green checks, light blue lines through edges of green. |
Graham of Montrose | Blue and black ground, green forms double check, white lines through green. |
Grant | Red ground, green checks, blue and black lines. |
Grant—Hunting | Same as 42nd. |
Gunn | Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines. |
Hamilton | Red ground, blue checks, white lines. |
Hay | Red ground, green checks, white and yellow lines. |
Hay—Leith | Red ground, blue, black, and green checks, yellow, black and white lines. |
Henderson | Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow and white lines. |
Holmes | Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson and yellow lines. |
Home | Blue and black ground, green and red lines. |
Hope-Vere | Black and blue ground, green check, blue, green, and yellow lines. |
Jacobites’ Tartan | Green and orange ground, small checks of white, blue, and red. |
Johnstone | Blue ground, green checks, black and yellow lines. |
Keith | Green ground, blue and black checks. |
Kennedy | Olive green ground, blue and black checks, crimson, black and yellow lines. |
Kerr | Red ground, black and green checks, black lines. |
Kilgour | Red ground, blue and green checks, black and yellow lines. |
Lamont, also called Argyll-Campbell | Blue and black ground, green checks, white lines through green. |
Lauder | Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines. |
Lendrum | Black and white checks, black lines. |
Lendrum | Black and red checks, black lines. |
Leslie | Blue and black ground, green checks, red and white lines. |
Leslie—Ancient | Red ground, black and blue checks, yellow and black lines. |
Leslie of Wards | Green and blue ground, black, white, and red lines. |
Lindsay | Crimson ground, green checks, black lines. |
Livingstone | Red ground, green checks, black and green lines. |
Logan | Green ground, black and blue checks, white and red lines. |
Malcolm | Blue and black ground, green checks, red, yellow, and blue lines. |
Malcolm—Dress | Malcolm check on white ground. |
Mathieson | Red ground, broken checks of blue and green. |
Mathieson—Hunting | Blue ground, black and green checks. |
Maxwell | Red ground, green and black checks. |
Melville | Blue and black ground, green checks, white lines. |
Menzies—Dress | Red ground, white checks. |
Menzies—Hunting | Green ground, red checks. |
Menzies—Black and Red | Black ground, red checks. |
Menzies—Black and White | Black ground, white checks. |
Montgomery | Green ground, blue checks. |
Mowat | Black ground, green checks, yellow lines. |
Morrison | Green ground, blue and black checks, black and red lines. |
Munro—Red | Red ground, black checks, white lines. |
Munro—Ancient | Red ground, green and blue checks, yellow and black lines. |
Murray of Athole | Blue and black ground, green checks, red lines. |
Murray of Athole—Dress | Murray checks on white ground. |
Murray of Tullibardine | Red ground, broken checks of blue and green. |
MacAllister | Red ground, broken checks of blue, green and white. |
MacArthur | Green ground, black checks, yellow lines. |
MacAulay | Green ground, red check, black and red lines. |
MacBean | Red ground, checks of green, blue, and crimson, green and white lines. |
MacBean—Ancient | Red ground, check of green and stone colour, lines of yellow and black. |
MacBeth | Blue ground, check resembling R. Stuart, with broad yellow lines. |
MacCallum | Blue and black ground, green forms double check, red lines through green. |
MacDairmid | Green ground, black checks, white and red lines. |
MacDonald | Blue, black and green ground with broken red checks. |
MacDonald—Dress | MacDonald check on white ground. |
MacDonald of Clan Ranald | MacDonald with white line round edge of green check. |
Macdonald of the Isles | Green ground, blue and black checks, red and white lines. |
MacDonald of Sleat, called Lord of the Isles | Red ground, green checks. |
MacDonald of Staffa | Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines. |
MacDonell of Glengarry | MacDonald with white line through centre of green check. |
MacDonell of Glengarry—Dress | Glengarry check on white ground. |
MacDougall | Red ground, green and blue checks, crimson lines. |
MacDougall—Ancient | Same colours as above, but differently arranged. |
MacDuff | Red ground, green, blue and black checks, black lines. |
MacDuff—Dress | Macduff check on white ground. |
MacDuff—Hunting | Brown ground, green, blue and black checks, red lines. |
MacEwan | Blue and black ground, green checks, red and yellow lines. |
MacFarlane | Red ground, red, white, blue and green lines. |
MacFarlane—Dress | MacFarlane check on white ground. |
MacFeyden | Blue and black ground, green check, red, white and green lines. |
MacGillivray | Red ground, broken checks of green and light and dark blue. |
MacGregor | Red ground, green checks, white lines. |
MacHardy | Blue ground, olive-green checks, lines of blue, green, red and white. |
MacInnes | Red ground, black and green checks, white, yellow, and blue lines. |
MacInroy | Blue and black ground, green and red checks, blue, black and green lines. |
MacInroy—Dress | MacInroy check on white ground. |
MacIntyre—Red | Red, blue, and green checks, blue lines. |
MacIntyre—Green | Green ground, blue checks, red and white lines. |
MacIvor | Red ground, black checks, white and yellow lines. |
MacKay | Green ground, blue and black checks, green and black lines. |
MacKendrick | Green ground, blue and black checks, white and yellow lines. |
MacKenzie | Blue and black ground, green checks, white and red lines. |
MacKenzie—Dress | MacKenzie check on white ground. |
MacKinlay | Blue and black ground, green check, red lines. |
MacKinnon | Red ground, green checks, crimson, blue and white lines. |
MacKinnon—Hunting | Brown ground, green checks, red and white lines. |
MacKintosh | Red ground, blue and green check. |
MacKintosh—Chief | Red ground, green and pale blue check, white, yellow and black lines. |
MacLachlan—Yellow | Yellow ground, black checks, yellow and black lines. |
MacLachlan—Red | Red ground, black and blue check, green and black lines. |
MacLaren | Blue and black ground, green checks, red and yellow lines. |
MacLean—Red | Red ground, green, blue and black checks, blue, white, and yellow lines. |
MacLean—Dress | MacLean check on white ground. |
MacLean—Hunting | Green ground, black checks, white and black lines. |
MacLennan | Blue and black ground, green and broken red check, yellow and red lines. |
MacLeod—Clan | Blue and black ground, green check, red and yellow lines. |
MacLeod—Red and Black | Red ground, black checks, red and black lines. |
MacLeod—Black and White | Black ground, white checks, white and black lines. |
MacLeod of Raasay, or Dress | Amber ground, black checks, red line. |
MacLintock | Red ground, green checks, blue lines. |
MacMillan | Crimson and amber checks, amber and crimson lines. |
MacNab | Red ground, green checks, crimson and black lines. |
MacNab | Red ground, green checks, crimson and black lines. |
MacNair | Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson lines. |
MacNaughton | Green ground, blue and black checks, white and crimson lines. |
MacNeil of Barra | Red ground, green and blue checks, white and black lines. |
MacNeil of Colonsay | Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow and black lines. |
MacNicol | Blue and black ground, green checks, crimson and white lines. |
MacNish | Red ground, green and blue checks, yellow and black lines. |
MacPhail | Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow lines. |
MacPherson | Red ground, green checks, blue and white lines. |
MacPherson—Hunting | Blue and black ground, green checks, blue and black lines. |
MacQuarrie | Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines. |
MacQueen | Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines. |
MacRae | Blue ground, green and black checks, crimson lines. |
MacRitchie | Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines. |
MacTaggart | Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines. |
MacThomas | Blue ground, green and black checks, red and white lines. |
MacTavish | Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson lines. |
MacUisdean | Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines. |
MacWhirter | Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow lines. |