Bagtown Clans

All About Scottish Clans!

Clan Tartans

Clan Tartan Description
Abercromby Blue and black ground, green forms double check, white lines through green.
Anderson Light blue ground, green check, red, yellow, blue and white lines.
Angus Blue and black ground, red lines.
Armstrong Blue and black ground, green check, red line.
Baird Blue and black ground, green check, three deep crimson lines through green check.
Barclay Light green ground, blue checks, red line.
Breacan N’an Clerach Blue and black ground, green lines.
Brodie Red ground, black checks, black and yellow lines.
Bruce Red ground, green checks, yellow and white lines.
Buchanan Green, yellow, and red checks, white and black lines.
Cameron of Erracht Black, blue and green ground, broken red checks, yellow line.
Cameron—Clan Red ground, green checks, yellow line.
Cameron of Lochiel Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines.
Campbell of Argyll Blue and black ground, green checks, red line.
Campbell of Argyll—Dress Argyll check on white ground.
Campbell of Loudon Blue and black ground, green check, white and yellow lines.
Celtic Society’s Tartan Blue and green ground, white and red lines.
Chisholm Red ground, blue and green check, white lines.
Chisholm of Strathglass Red ground, green and black checks, white lines.
Clan Alpine Green ground, blue and black check, white and yellow lines.
Colquhoun Blue and black ground, green check, white and red lines.
Comyn—Red Red ground, green checks, white and black lines.
Cumming—Clan Green ground, blue, black and red checks, blue lines.
Connal—Red Red and black checks, white and yellow lines.
Cranstoun Ground of two shades of green, blue and red lines.
Crawford Crimson ground, light green checks, white lines.
Cunninghham Red ground, black checks, black, white and red lines.
Dalzell Red ground, green checks, white lines.
Davidson Green ground, blue and black checks, red line.
Davidson of Tulloch Blue and black ground, green check, white and red lines.
Douglas—Green Green ground, blue check, white and blue lines.
Douglas—Grey or Black Black and grey ground, grey and black lines.
Douglas—Dress Green Douglas check on white ground.
Drummond Red ground, green checks, blue lines.
Dunbar Red ground, green and black checks, black lines.
Dunblane Red ground, green and yellow checks, white lines.
Duncan Green and blue ground, black, white and red lines.
Dundas Blue and black ground, green checks, red and black lines.
Dyce Blue and black ground, green check, yellow and white lines.
Elliot Blue ground, brown checks, red line.
Erskine Green and red checks with red and green lines.
Farquharson Blue and black ground, green checks, yellow and red lines.
Ferguson Blue and black ground, green checks, white and red lines.
Forbes Blue and black ground, green checks, white line.
Forty-second, also called Sutherland Blue and black ground, green checks.
Fraser of Lovat Red ground, green and blue checks, white line.
Fraser—Hunting Brown ground, green and blue checks, white and red lines.
Glen Lyon As 42nd, but green check reduced, and blue check enlarged.
Glen Urquhart Squares formed of Shepherd check of about 10 and 6 threads alternately.
Gordon Blue and black ground, green checks, yellow lines through green checks.
Gordon—Ancient Blue and black ground, green checks, three lines of yellow through green check.
Gordon—Dress Gordon check on white ground.
Gow Red ground, solid checks of blue and green.
Graham of Menteith Blue and black ground, green checks, light blue lines through edges of green.
Graham of Montrose Blue and black ground, green forms double check, white lines through green.
Grant Red ground, green checks, blue and black lines.
Grant—Hunting Same as 42nd.
Gunn Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines.
Hamilton Red ground, blue checks, white lines.
Hay Red ground, green checks, white and yellow lines.
Hay—Leith Red ground, blue, black, and green checks, yellow, black and white lines.
Henderson Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow and white lines.
Holmes Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson and yellow lines.
Home Blue and black ground, green and red lines.
Hope-Vere Black and blue ground, green check, blue, green, and yellow lines.
Jacobites’ Tartan Green and orange ground, small checks of white, blue, and red.
Johnstone Blue ground, green checks, black and yellow lines.
Keith Green ground, blue and black checks.
Kennedy Olive green ground, blue and black checks, crimson, black and yellow lines.
Kerr Red ground, black and green checks, black lines.
Kilgour Red ground, blue and green checks, black and yellow lines.
Lamont, also called Argyll-Campbell Blue and black ground, green checks, white lines through green.
Lauder Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines.
Lendrum Black and white checks, black lines.
Lendrum Black and red checks, black lines.
Leslie Blue and black ground, green checks, red and white lines.
Leslie—Ancient Red ground, black and blue checks, yellow and black lines.
Leslie of Wards Green and blue ground, black, white, and red lines.
Lindsay Crimson ground, green checks, black lines.
Livingstone Red ground, green checks, black and green lines.
Logan Green ground, black and blue checks, white and red lines.
Malcolm Blue and black ground, green checks, red, yellow, and blue lines.
Malcolm—Dress Malcolm check on white ground.
Mathieson Red ground, broken checks of blue and green.
Mathieson—Hunting Blue ground, black and green checks.
Maxwell Red ground, green and black checks.
Melville Blue and black ground, green checks, white lines.
Menzies—Dress Red ground, white checks.
Menzies—Hunting Green ground, red checks.
Menzies—Black and Red Black ground, red checks.
Menzies—Black and White Black ground, white checks.
Montgomery Green ground, blue checks.
Mowat Black ground, green checks, yellow lines.
Morrison Green ground, blue and black checks, black and red lines.
Munro—Red Red ground, black checks, white lines.
Munro—Ancient Red ground, green and blue checks, yellow and black lines.
Murray of Athole Blue and black ground, green checks, red lines.
Murray of Athole—Dress Murray checks on white ground.
Murray of Tullibardine Red ground, broken checks of blue and green.
MacAllister Red ground, broken checks of blue, green and white.
MacArthur Green ground, black checks, yellow lines.
MacAulay Green ground, red check, black and red lines.
MacBean Red ground, checks of green, blue, and crimson, green and white lines.
MacBean—Ancient Red ground, check of green and stone colour, lines of yellow and black.
MacBeth Blue ground, check resembling R. Stuart, with broad yellow lines.
MacCallum Blue and black ground, green forms double check, red lines through green.
MacDairmid Green ground, black checks, white and red lines.
MacDonald Blue, black and green ground with broken red checks.
MacDonald—Dress MacDonald check on white ground.
MacDonald of Clan Ranald MacDonald with white line round edge of green check.
Macdonald of the Isles Green ground, blue and black checks, red and white lines.
MacDonald of Sleat, called Lord of the Isles Red ground, green checks.
MacDonald of Staffa Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines.
MacDonell of Glengarry MacDonald with white line through centre of green check.
MacDonell of Glengarry—Dress Glengarry check on white ground.
MacDougall Red ground, green and blue checks, crimson lines.
MacDougall—Ancient Same colours as above, but differently arranged.
MacDuff Red ground, green, blue and black checks, black lines.
MacDuff—Dress Macduff check on white ground.
MacDuff—Hunting Brown ground, green, blue and black checks, red lines.
MacEwan Blue and black ground, green checks, red and yellow lines.
MacFarlane Red ground, red, white, blue and green lines.
MacFarlane—Dress MacFarlane check on white ground.
MacFeyden Blue and black ground, green check, red, white and green lines.
MacGillivray Red ground, broken checks of green and light and dark blue.
MacGregor Red ground, green checks, white lines.
MacHardy Blue ground, olive-green checks, lines of blue, green, red and white.
MacInnes Red ground, black and green checks, white, yellow, and blue lines.
MacInroy Blue and black ground, green and red checks, blue, black and green lines.
MacInroy—Dress MacInroy check on white ground.
MacIntyre—Red Red, blue, and green checks, blue lines.
MacIntyre—Green Green ground, blue checks, red and white lines.
MacIvor Red ground, black checks, white and yellow lines.
MacKay Green ground, blue and black checks, green and black lines.
MacKendrick Green ground, blue and black checks, white and yellow lines.
MacKenzie Blue and black ground, green checks, white and red lines.
MacKenzie—Dress MacKenzie check on white ground.
MacKinlay Blue and black ground, green check, red lines.
MacKinnon Red ground, green checks, crimson, blue and white lines.
MacKinnon—Hunting Brown ground, green checks, red and white lines.
MacKintosh Red ground, blue and green check.
MacKintosh—Chief Red ground, green and pale blue check, white, yellow and black lines.
MacLachlan—Yellow Yellow ground, black checks, yellow and black lines.
MacLachlan—Red Red ground, black and blue check, green and black lines.
MacLaren Blue and black ground, green checks, red and yellow lines.
MacLean—Red Red ground, green, blue and black checks, blue, white, and yellow lines.
MacLean—Dress MacLean check on white ground.
MacLean—Hunting Green ground, black checks, white and black lines.
MacLennan Blue and black ground, green and broken red check, yellow and red lines.
MacLeod—Clan Blue and black ground, green check, red and yellow lines.
MacLeod—Red and Black Red ground, black checks, red and black lines.
MacLeod—Black and White Black ground, white checks, white and black lines.
MacLeod of Raasay, or Dress Amber ground, black checks, red line.
MacLintock Red ground, green checks, blue lines.
MacMillan Crimson and amber checks, amber and crimson lines.
MacNab Red ground, green checks, crimson and black lines.
MacNab Red ground, green checks, crimson and black lines.
MacNair Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson lines.
MacNaughton Green ground, blue and black checks, white and crimson lines.
MacNeil of Barra Red ground, green and blue checks, white and black lines.
MacNeil of Colonsay Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow and black lines.
MacNicol Blue and black ground, green checks, crimson and white lines.
MacNish Red ground, green and blue checks, yellow and black lines.
MacPhail Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow lines.
MacPherson Red ground, green checks, blue and white lines.
MacPherson—Hunting Blue and black ground, green checks, blue and black lines.
MacQuarrie Red ground, green and blue checks, white lines.
MacQueen Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines.
MacRae Blue ground, green and black checks, crimson lines.
MacRitchie Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines.
MacTaggart Green ground, blue and black checks, red lines.
MacThomas Blue ground, green and black checks, red and white lines.
MacTavish Green ground, blue and black checks, crimson lines.
MacUisdean Green ground, blue and black checks, white lines.
MacWhirter Green ground, blue and black checks, yellow lines.


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