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Septs of Clan Gunn

Allisterson (and Variants: MacAllister)

Surname Origin & Association: Allisterson means “son of Alistair” (Alexander). In Clan Gunn, this name traces to descendants of Alexander, a son of George Gunn, the Crowner of Caithness.

Historical Context: After the 1478 St. Tears massacre, Alexander survived and left descendants. Their lineage became known by this patronymic, forming a minor sept in Gunn history.

Anderson (and Variants: MacAndrew)

Surname Origin & Association: Anderson means “son of Andrew.” In Gaelic, it’s MacAndrew. The name appears in Caithness and Sutherland.

Historical Context: Some Andersons may have settled in Gunn territories or allied with the clan. Although Andersons are also linked to Clan Ross and Clan Chattan, certain families in the north were associated with Gunn.

Bain (and Variants: Bayne)

Surname Origin & Association: Bain comes from the Gaelic Bàn, meaning “fair-haired.” It was used as a descriptive nickname.

Historical Context: A son of George Gunn was nicknamed “Bain” for his fair hair, and his descendants may have adopted this as a surname. This name is shared with Clan Mackay but also appears in Gunn traditions.

Crowner (and Variants: Croner, Crownar, Cruiner, Cruner)

Surname Origin & Association: Crowner was the official title of George Gunn as coroner of Caithness. Descendants were sometimes called MacCrowner.

Historical Context: George Gunn, the 15th-century Crowner, was killed in 1478. His legacy was strong enough for “Crowner” to symbolize all his descendants. The name survives as a symbolic sept.

Davidson (and Variants: Davison, MacDade, MacDhaidh)

Surname Origin & Association: Davidson means “son of David.” Gaelic forms include MacDhaidh.

Historical Context: Possibly from a later Gunn descendant named David. Some Davidsons in Caithness were considered part of the clan, distinct from the larger Clan Davidson.

Gallie (and Variants: Galdie, Gauldie, Gailey)

Surname Origin & Association: These names are believed to derive from a corrupted form of “Gunn’s son” or from Gaelic forms indicating Norse ancestry.

Historical Context: Found in Caithness and Easter Ross, these families were known to be part of the extended Gunn clan, possibly through a descendant of Gunni.

Gaunson (and Variants: Ganson)

Surname Origin & Association: Gaunson means “son of Gunn.” The surname reflects Norse naming traditions.

Historical Context: Gaunson and Ganson appeared in Norse-influenced areas. These names directly indicate descent from Gunni and were adopted by some branches of the clan.

Georgeson (and Variants: George, MacGeorge, MacSheoras)

Surname Origin & Association: Georgeson means “son of George.” In Clan Gunn, this sept derives from descendants of George Gunn.

Historical Context: Though George Gunn’s sons did not bear his name, later generations named for him became known as Georgeson. This surname spread in the Northern Isles and Caithness.

Henderson (and Variants: MacEanruig, MacKendrick, Henryson)

Surname Origin & Association: Henderson means “son of Henry.” Gaelic forms include MacEanruig.

Historical Context: Descended from Henry, a younger son of the Crowner. The Hendersons of Caithness formed a major Gunn branch and are considered one of its principal septs.

Jameson (and Variants: Jamieson, Jamison, MacHamish, MacKames, MacKeamish)

Surname Origin & Association: Jameson means “son of James.” Gaelic form is MacHamish.

Historical Context: James was the eldest son of George Gunn. His descendants, especially in Sutherland, became the main line of clan chiefs. Jameson reflects the chief’s patronymic.

Johnson (and Variants: MacIan, MacIain, MacKean, Kean, Keene)

Surname Origin & Association: Johnson means “son of John.” Gaelic equivalents include MacIain.

Historical Context: John was one of George Gunn’s sons. His line settled in Bregual and became known as the Gunns of Cattaig. Johnson and its variants reflect this descent.

MacComas (and Variants: MacOmish, Thomson, Tomson)

Surname Origin & Association: MacComas derives from MacThòmais, “son of Thomas.” Thomson and Tomson are anglicized versions.

Historical Context: Likely descended from a Thomas Gunn in the 16th or 17th century. This minor sept reflects a later cadet line that distinguished itself by naming.

MacCorkill (and Variants: MacCorkle, MacCorkillie)

Surname Origin & Association: Derived from Gaelic MacThorcail, “son of Torquil.” Torquil was a Norse name.

Historical Context: Torquil Gunn was a son of the Crowner. His descendants took on this Norse-style surname and remained within the clan structure.

Manson (and Variants: Magnus, Magnusson, Main, Mains, Mann, Manus, MacManus, MacMains, Maness)

Surname Origin & Association: Manson means “son of Magnus.” Gaelic forms include MacManus.

Historical Context: Possibly descended from a Magnus Gunn or a Norse ancestor. Manson families were common in Caithness and Orkney and were known Gunn allies.

Neilson (and Variants: Nelson, MacNeill)

Surname Origin & Association: Neilson means “son of Neil.” Gaelic form is MacNeill.

Historical Context: Represents descendants of a Gunn named Neil. Though unrelated to Clan MacNeil of Barra, Neilsons in Caithness were part of the Gunn family network.

Robson (and Variants: Robison, Robinson, Robeson)

Surname Origin & Association: Robson means “son of Robert.” This sept descends from Robert, son of George Gunn.

Historical Context: The Robson Gunns settled at Braemore and maintained a powerful position in Caithness. This was one of the main branches after the clan split.

Rorieson (and Variant: MacRory)

Surname Origin & Association: Rorieson means “son of Rorie” (Ruairidh). Gaelic form is MacRuairidh.

Historical Context: Possibly descended from a Gunn named Rory or influenced by Norse-Gaelic naming. Families using this name were connected to the clan by ancestry or location.

Ronaldson (and Variant: Ronald)

Surname Origin & Association: Ronaldson means “son of Ronald (Ranald).” May reflect Norse origins.

Historical Context: Ronaldsons may have been named for Earl Rögnvald, ancestor of Gunni’s wife. Some Gunns adopted this name in tribute to their Orkney heritage.

Sandison (and Variant: Sanderson)

Surname Origin & Association: Sandison means “son of Sandy” (Alexander). Reflects descent from Alexander Gunn.

Historical Context: Descendants of Alexander Gunn adopted Sandison in Norse-influenced regions like Orkney and Shetland. These names indicate Gunn ancestry.

Swanson (and Variants: Swan, Swann, Swanney)

Surname Origin & Association: Swanson means “son of Sweyn,” from Old Norse. Sweyn was Gunni’s grandfather.

Historical Context: Represents the earliest Norse ancestry of Clan Gunn. Swanson families are direct descendants of Sweyn Asleifsson and were long associated with the clan.

Williamson (and Variants: Will, Wills, Wilson, Wylie, Wyllie)

Surname Origin & Association: Williamson means “son of William.” Gaelic equivalent is MacUilleim.

Historical Context: William was one of the Crowner’s sons. His descendants formed the Williamson/Wilson sept. Wylie and Wyllie are pet-name variants used in Lowland areas.


Adam, F. (1908). The clans, septs, and regiments of the Scottish Highlands. Edinburgh: W. & A.K. Johnston.

Clan Gunn Society. (n.d.). Clan Gunn – From Norse Viking to Modern Day. Retrieved from

Electric Scotland. (n.d.). List of Clan Septs and Dependents – Clan Gunn. Retrieved from

Moncreiffe of that Ilk, I. (1967). The Highland Clans. London: Barrie & Rocklif.

ScotClans. (2010). Henderson Clan History. Edinburgh: ScotClans.

Sinclair, F. (c.2000). The Hendersons of Stemster. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2023). Clan Gunn. Retrieved from

Wikitree. (2019). Space: The Clan Gunn – Septs. Retrieved from

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