Septs of Clan MacNeil
MacNeill (MacNial, MacNiall, McNeil, McNeill)
Surname Origin & Association: Derived from the Gaelic “Mac Néill,” meaning “son of Neil.” The name links to Niall of the Nine Hostages, a legendary 5th-century Irish high king.
Historical Context: MacNeil is the original clan surname, borne by the chiefs of Barra and later Gigha. Despite some internal clan rivalries, all MacNeil variants trace back to the same ancestral line and remain at the core of the clan’s identity.
Neal / Neil (Neale, Neall, Nealle, Neill, Niel)
Surname Origin & Association: Anglicized forms of “Ó Néill,” meaning “descendant of Neil.” These names evolved as simplified versions of MacNeil in English-speaking areas.
Historical Context: Many MacNeil families anglicized their name to Neil/Neal over time, especially in the Lowlands or abroad. These variants are recognized as part of Clan MacNeil due to their shared origin.
McNeely / McNeilly (MacNeely, MacNeilly, McNelly, MacNelly)
Surname Origin & Association: Possibly derived from “Mac Néillín,” meaning “son of little Neil,” or a phonetic variation of MacNeil. Occasionally associated with “Mac an Fhilidh” (“son of the poet”) in Galloway.
Historical Context: Found in Galloway and Ulster, these names are historically linked to the MacNeil line. Some bore similar coats of arms, reinforcing their connection to the clan.
Neilson / Nelson (Nielson, Neilsen)
Surname Origin & Association: English-style patronymics meaning “son of Neil.” These forms emerged in Norse-influenced or anglicized regions.
Historical Context: Adopted by MacNeil descendants in Lowland areas or abroad. Though not Gaelic in structure, they indicate shared lineage and are accepted as sept names.
O’Neill / O’Neil (O’Neal, O’Neail)
Surname Origin & Association: Gaelic “Ó Néill,” meaning “descendant of Neil.” Represents the Irish O’Neill dynasty, who share legendary ancestry with the MacNeils.
Historical Context: Although a separate clan, O’Neill and MacNeil both claim descent from Niall of the Nine Hostages. The shared heritage has led to honorary recognition within Clan MacNeil.
MacNeilage / MacNeiledge (McNeilage, MacNelis, MacNellus)
Surname Origin & Association: Possibly derived from “Mac Niallghuis” or “Mac Nèill,” these are Lowland variants of MacNeil that evolved through dialect or Anglicization.
Historical Context: Found in Dumbartonshire and Argyll. Families bearing these names retained Neil ancestry and are historically bracketed with the MacNeils in heraldic records.
MacGougan / MacGugan (McGugan)
Surname Origin & Association: Derived from Gaelic “Mac Eochagáin,” meaning “son of little Eóghan.” Often found in Knapdale, Gigha, and Argyll.
Historical Context: These families resided in areas held by the MacNeils of Gigha and Taynish and were recognized as sharing clan arms and mottos. Their location and loyalty link them to Clan MacNeil.
MacGrail / MacGreal
Surname Origin & Association: From Irish Gaelic “Mag Réill,” a corruption of “Mac Néill.” Originated in Ireland during the galloglass era.
Historical Context: A gallowglass family of MacNeil descent that settled in Connacht. Their name reflects a phonetic evolution and their martial connection to Irish clans.
MacGuigan (McGuigan, MacGuiggan)
Surname Origin & Association: Derived from “Mag Uiginn,” meaning “son of the Norseman.” Tied to the Irish O’Neill kin group.
Historical Context: Although Irish in origin, McGuigans share common ancestry with the MacNeils through Niall of the Nine Hostages. Their presence in Scotland supports their inclusion as a sept.
Adam, F., & Innes of Learney, T. (1970). The Clans, Septs & Regiments of the Scottish Highlands (8th ed.). Edinburgh: Johnston and Bacon.
Clan MacNeil USA. (2023). The Septs of Clan MacNeil: Exploring the Extended Family. Retrieved from
Clan MacNeil USA. (n.d.). Brief History of the Clan MacNeil. [PDF document]. Clan MacNeil Association of America.
House of Names. (n.d.). McGuigan History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms. Retrieved from
Woulfe, P. (1923). Irish Names and Surnames (rev. ed.). Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son.
Name Origin Research. (n.d.). Last name: MacNeilage. In The Internet Surname Database. Retrieved from
Grenham, J. (n.d.). MacGreal / MacGrail. In Irish Ancestors. Retrieved from