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Septs of Clan Murray

Balneaves (and Variants: Balneavis, Balneavez)

Surname Origin & Association: Balneaves is a territorial surname from the lands of Balneaves in Angus. The family was of Pictish origin and closely associated with the Murray family through proximity and marriage.

Historical Context: Prominent in Perthshire and often intermarried with the Murrays, the Balneaves were known as Pipers in early records. Their loyalty and shared heritage led to their inclusion as a Clan Murray sept.

Buttar (and Variants: Butter, Butters)

Surname Origin & Association: A surname of territorial origin found in Perthshire, especially around Pitlochry. Possibly linked to the place name Buttergask.

Historical Context: The Buttar or Butter family were old Perthshire landholders, historically allied with the Murrays of Atholl through landholding and service, making them a traditional sept.

Dunsmore (and Variants: Dunsmuir, Dunsmure, Dinsmore)

Surname Origin & Association: Dunsmore is derived from Gaelic dùn mòr meaning “great hill-fort,” associated with families from Fife and later Perthshire.

Historical Context: Dunsmore families migrated into Perthshire and supported the Murrays of Atholl, especially during the 1745 Jacobite rising. Their loyalty earned them a place as a recognized sept.


Surname Origin & Association: A noble Lowland surname originating from the town of Dunbar in East Lothian. Related to the Earls of Moray, connecting it territorially to Clan Murray.

Historical Context: The Dunbars held territory in Moray prior to the rise of the Murrays. Historical overlap and alliances brought Dunbar under the Murray banner as a sept.

Fleming (and Variants: Fleeming, Flemming, Flemyn)

Surname Origin & Association: Originally denoting a person from Flanders. The Murrays’ ancestor Freskin was Flemish, establishing a shared ethnic origin.

Historical Context: Fleming families supported the Murrays in military campaigns. Their Flemish connection and loyalty to Atholl earned them sept status.

MacMurray (and Variants: McMurry, MacMhuirich)

Surname Origin & Association: A Gaelic patronymic meaning “son of Murray.” Gaelic form is Mac Mhuirich.

Historical Context: Gaelic-speaking branches of the clan adopted this form. During the Jacobite rising, MacMurrays fought under Atholl Murrays, firmly identifying them as a sept.

Moncreiffe (and Variants: Moncreiff, Moncreigh)

Surname Origin & Association: Territorial surname from Moncreiffe Hill in Perthshire. Though a distinct clan, they allied with the Murrays.

Historical Context: Moncreiffe lairds signed a bond of manrent with the Murrays in 1568. Shared military service and intermarriage brought them into close alliance.

Moray (and Variants: de Moravia, Moray, Morrey, Morray)

Surname Origin & Association: Territorial name from the province of Moray, where the Murrays originated. Latin form de Moravia was used in early records.

Historical Context: Early ancestors of Clan Murray bore the name de Moravia. Some branches retained Moray as a surname, particularly in Ireland and Lowland Scotland.


Surname Origin & Association: Possibly derived from Balneaves, or from the Scots word for nephew (nevoy). Found in Perthshire.

Historical Context: The Neaves family was tied to the Balneaves/Piper sept and shared Murray affiliations in the region. Their loyalty led to inclusion among Murray septs.

Piper (and Variants: Pyper, Piperer)

Surname Origin & Association: Occupational surname for a pipe player. Prominent in Perth, especially among families later known as Balneaves.

Historical Context: Pipers lived in Murray-controlled regions and intermarried with allied families. Their musical and feudal roles earned them status as a clan sept.


Surname Origin & Association: Territorial name from the barony of Rattray in Perthshire. Rattrays were neighbors to the Murrays.

Historical Context: Rattrays frequently supported the Murrays militarily and politically, particularly in the Jacobite risings. Their loyalty secured their status as a sept.

Small (and Variants: Smail, Smalle, Smeal, Smaill)

Surname Origin & Association: Descriptive surname referring to stature. The Smalls of Dirnanean were prominent landholders in Perthshire.

Historical Context: Small families served the Dukes of Atholl as tenants, estate managers, and soldiers. Their loyalty over generations earned them a place in the Murray clan.

Spalding (and Variants: Spaldin, Spaulding)

Surname Origin & Association: Territorial surname from Spalding, Lincolnshire. A branch settled in Perthshire, founding Clan Spalding.

Historical Context: Spaldings supported the Murrays of Atholl in the Jacobite wars and married into Murray families. Without a recognized chief, they were absorbed as a Murray sept.


Black, G. F. (1946). The Surnames of Scotland: Their Origin, Meaning and History. New York: New York Public Library.

Clan Murray Society. (n.d.). Home – Welcome to the Murray Clan Society. Retrieved from

Clan Murray Society. (n.d.). The Septs. Retrieved from

House of Names. (n.d.). Balneaves Family Crest, Coat of Arms and Name History. Retrieved from

House of Names. (n.d.). Dunsmore Family History. Retrieved from

ScotClans. (n.d.). Clan Butter History. Retrieved from

Surname Database. (n.d.). Dunsmore. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2023). Clan Murray. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2023). Ashintully Castle. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from


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