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All About Scottish Clans!

Clan MacMillan

Clan MacMillan MapClan MacMillan is a Scottish Highland clan originating in the Lochaber area in the Scottish highlands.  The surname MacMillan derives from a gaelic term Mac Maolain that means son of the bald one.  The clan is said to have descended from Airbertach who was a royal prince of the house of moray.  The progenitor of the clan is believed to be a man named Gilchrist who lived in the 12th century.

The clan motto is Miseris Succurrere disco which means I learn to succour the unfortunate.  Their crest features two hands holding a large sword aloft.

The historic seat of the clan is Castle Sween in Knapdale.  Castle Sween is considered to be one of the oldest fortresses in Scotland and was passed into the MacMillan family through marriage in the 14th century.  In 1490 the castle was granted to the Campbell clan by James IV the king of Scotland.  The current seat of Clan MacMillan is Finlaystone House in Renfrewshire, this castle was also acquired through marriage and remains the residence of the clan chief.

Clan MacMillan Tartan
Clan MacMillan Tartan

The Clan MacMillan society was founded in 1892 in Glasgow Scotland.  The clan MacMillan International Centre opened in 1991, it is located on Finlaystone Estates in Langbank Scotland. The centre boasts many artifacts and genealogical papers that help trace the history of the clan.

Clan MacMillan Information Poster

Clan MacMillan Vintage Postcard
Clan MacMillan Vintage Tartan
Clan MacMillan Coat of Arms and Tartan Vintage Poster
Clan MacMillan Coat of Arms and Tartan Vintage Poster
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