Clan Malcolm/Clan MacCallum
Clan Malcolm or Clan MacCallum is a highland Scottish Clan originating in the district of Lorne in Argyll. It is believed that the surnames Malcolm and MacCallum are derived from the Gaelic name of the monk who brought Christianity to Scotland. Both names translate into devotees of Colm, Colm is short for Saint Columba who spread Christianity to Scotland in the 6th century. The first recorded evidence of the clan was in 1414 when Sir Duncan Campbell granted
lands to Reginald MacCallum of Corbarron.
The motto of the clan is In Ardua Tendit which translates into “He has attempted difficult things”, and the crest features a castle tower.
The seat of the clan is Duntrune Castle located on Loch Crinan in Argyll, Scotland. The Castle was built by the MacDougall Clan in the 13th century and was subsequently captured by the Campbell Clan. In 1792 the Campbell’s sold the castle to the Malcolm’s. The castle is still owned and occupied by the chief of Clan Malcolm. It is believed to be the oldest occupied castle on mainland Scotland. Cottages can be rented on the property.

In 1902 the chief of the clan, John Malcolm died without an heir and his peerage became extinct. His brother inherited the chieftainship of the clan. John was the 14th chief of the clan and a collector of many artifacts. The Malcolm Collection can be currently found at the British Museum.
The Clan Malcolm/Clan MacCallum society of North America was founded in 1971 at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games in South Carolina. The goal of the society is to promote the study of the clans history, culture and heritage.