Clan MacEwen/Clan MacEwan
Clan MacEwen is a highland Scottish clan originating in the Argyll and Bute district of Scotland. The clan claims to be descended from a prince of the Irish O’Neil dynasty who settled in Kintyre in the 11th century. The surname MacEwen is derived from the Gaelic term MacEoghainn, which translates into “the son of Eoghann”. The first record of the surname MacEwen shows up as a witness to a charter in 1174 by Malcolm II, Earl of Atholl.
The motto of the clan is Reviresco which translates into “I flourish again”, and the clan’s crest features the stump of an oak tree sprouting new growth.
The historic seat of the clan is MacEwen castle which was located at Otter, Loch Fyne. Originally the site was a medieval dun, then became a fort and eventually evolved into a medieval homestead with protective walls. The castle was held by the MacEwen family until 1432 when it was surrendered to King James I. The castle was then passed on to the Campbell Clan. Currently all that remains of the castle are ruins, however the Cowal Archaeological Society led an excavation of the castle in the late 1960s that revealed much about the structure of the castle. Archeological finds from the site are housed at The Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum.

In 1493 Swene MacEwen of Otter, chief of Clan MacEwen, died without an heir. There is evidence that Mary Queen of Scots may have granted arms to a MacEwen Clan chief in 1568 but attempts to trace the line of that chief have been unsuccessful. The Clan MacEwen Society are currently going through the process of attempting to have a new chief recognized by the Lyon Court.
The Clan MacEwen Society was formed in 1977 with the goals of establishing a clan centre and a rightful chief. The societies main objective is to promote the identity and history of Clan MacEwen.