Clan MacAulay
Clan MacAulay is a highland Scottish clan originating in the Argyll district of Scotland. The MacAulay surname is translated from the Gaelic name MacAmhalghaidh which means son of Amalghaidh. The clan considers itself one of the Siol Alpin Clans, which is a group of seven clans that claim to be descended from Kenneth MacAlpin, father of Cináed mac Ailpín , King of the Picts (844-860). Others believe that the clan was originally descended from the Earls of Lennox whose family had contained several individuals who were given the surname Amhlaibh. The Earl of Lennox was a title that may have been created as early as 1154 by King Malcolm IV, for the rulers of the Lennox district of Scotland.
The clan motto is Dulce Periculum meaning “Danger is sweet”, and the crest features A spurred boot.
The historic seat of the clan is Ardencaple Castle located outside of Helensburgh Scotland. The castle was built in the 12th century by the Lords of Ardencaple who took on the surname of MacAulay in the 16th century. The castle remained under control of the MacAulays until 1767 when, due to financial difficulties and a deteriation of the castle, it was abandoned and the Clan Chief moved to nearby Laggarie. The Campbells of Argyll purchased the castle, it was renovated and held by them until 1852 when it was sold to the Colquhouns. In 1957 most of the castle was demolished to make room for Navy housing, only the tower remains.
Aulay MacAulay was the twelfth and final chief of the Clan MacAulay. Aulay died in the late 1760s leaving his clan with a deteriorating castle, financial difficulties and no heir.

The Clan MacAulay society was founded in 1998 by Iain MacMillan. Iain called for the first meeting of the clan in 250 years. The objective of the new clan organization was to find and recognize a chief with a direct bloodline back to the ancient chiefs of MacAulay. In 2001 the clan gathered at Tulloch Castle in Scotland, under the supervision of a Lord Lyon representative acclaimed their first chief in several hundred years.
Septs. and Dependents – MacFadyen, MacFadyean, MacPheidirau, MacPhedron .