Allardice Tartan

The Allardice clan is often associated with Clan Graham, and it is considered one of the septs or subsidiary families of Clan Graham. As such, individuals with the surname Allardice who have a historical or ancestral connection to Clan Graham may choose to wear the tartan of Clan Graham, specifically the Graham of Montrose tartan.
Wearing the Clan Graham tartan, such as the Graham of Montrose tartan, is a way for individuals with an Allardice heritage to show their connection to the broader Clan Graham. Tartans have long been used in Scottish culture as a way to display one’s clan or family affiliation. Clan tartans have distinct patterns and colors associated with specific clans, and wearing the appropriate tartan can be a source of pride and a way to honor one’s Scottish heritage.
The Graham of Montrose tartan typically features a pattern of green, blue, and black with white and red stripes. The choice to wear this tartan would symbolize the wearer’s allegiance to Clan Graham and its septs, including the Allardice sept. It’s important to note that tartan traditions can vary, and not all individuals with an Allardice surname may choose to wear the Graham of Montrose tartan. Some may have personal or family reasons for selecting a different tartan, or they may simply choose to wear tartan as a symbol of their Scottish identity without a specific clan affiliation.