Bagtown Clans

All About Scottish Clans!

Fingal’s Cave

Part of the Ulva estate of the Clan MacQuarrie, FINGAL's Cave
Fingal’s Cave – Clan MacQuarrie

Part of the Ulva estate of the Clan MacQuarrie, FINGAL’s Cave is an archway of nearly 70 feet in height supporting a massive entablature of 30 feet additional, and receding for about 230 feet inwards. The entire front, as well as the great cavernous sides, is composed of countless complicated ranges of gigantic columns, beautifully jointed, and of most symmetrical though somewhat varied forms; and the roof exhibits a rich grouping of overhanging pillars, some of snowy whiteness from the calcareous covering by which they have become encrusted, the whole rising from and often seen reflected by the ocean waters. How often have we since recalled to mind, ” says Mr. Wilson in his Voyage round the Coast of Scotland, “ the regularity, magnitude, and loftiness of those columns, the fine overhanging cliff of small prismatic basalt to which they give support, worn by the murmuring waves of many thousand years , into the semblance of some stupendous Gothic arch , the wild waters ever urge their way , and the receding sides of that great temple, running inwards in solemn perspective, yet ever and anon, as ocean heaves and falls, rendered visible in its far sanctuary, by the broad and flashing light reflected by the foaming surges sweeping onwards from below. Then the broken and irregular gallery which overhangs that subterranean flood , and from which, looking upwards and around , we behold the rich and varied hues of red, green , and gold which give such splendid relief to the deep and sombre coloured columns — the clear bright tints which sparkle beneath our feet from the wavering yet translucent sea–the whole accompanied by the wild yet mellow and sonorous moan of each successive billow , which rises up the sides, or rolls over the finely formed crowns of the lowlier and disjointed pillars.